When idle, vexes wander within a 15×11×15 cuboid range centered on their evoker's position, unless summoned by a spawn egg or by the / summon command. Vexes summoned by an evoker start taking damage after 30 to 119 seconds and eventually die. Vexes summoned by a spawner, spawn egg or by the / summon command don't take damage this way.Ī vex does not despawn if it has a custom name or if it is in a block, minecart, or boat. This includes "Johnny" vindicators that attack them, despite both being allied with the illagers. If any mob attacks a vex, any vexes in the area become hostile toward it. Vexes do not count toward the bossbar during a raid. While attacking, they glow red and lunge at their target. Vexes also can be bounced back when pushed by a slime block. While vexes can pass through blocks easily, honey blocks seem to slow them down. Vexes can pass through bedrock, meaning it's possible for them to die in the void. Vexes are capable of flying through the air, and can freely pass through any block, including water and lava, without taking damage. They still attack these mobs even when they do not have a weapon, and they deal the same damage. Vexes attack players, adult villagers, iron golems, and wandering traders if an evoker summoned them, and any other target as commanded by their summoning evoker (any mob that attacks the evoker, either by accident or purposely or any mob illagers naturally attack on sight). This is not affected by the Looting enchantment.ĥ is dropped when killed by a player or tamed wolf in both editions. In Bedrock Edition, the vex can drop its iron sword with random durability. In Java Edition, the vex's iron sword does not drop, because its main hand's HandDropChances is 0.

The vex never spawns naturally, although it can be spawned using spawn eggs or via commands.

The vexes last 30 to 119 seconds before dying, and the evoker can summon additional vexes even if some still remain alive from the last summoning.

The vex spawns as part of an evoker's summoning attack: The evoker is surrounded by smoke and makes a magical, horn-like sound, then a group of three vexes appears near the evoker.